16-year-old Haine Eames given three-year Mariners Scholarship deal

The Central Coast Mariners are delighted to announce that 16-year-old midfielder Haine Eames has signed a 3-year scholarship deal with the club.

Currently in his second year with the Mariners, having joined our academy at U15 level last year, the Central Coast Sports College student has featured throughout all of the top academy grades for us this season.

Beginning the year in the under 18’s before moving up to predominately feature for our Under 20’s side, Eames has been rewarded for his strong performances with minutes off the bench in Lucas Vilela’s first grade squad, competing in the NPL NSW competition.

His efforts this season have also seen him gain National Team attention, with Eames called up today in the Joeys squad for the ASEAN U16 Boys’ Championships.

The midfielder has also been included by Mark Jackson in first team training, as our Head Coach plans the continuation of our recent success whilst sticking to one of the core principles of the club, youth development.

Haine is not short of role models, with 13 Mariners Academy graduates featuring in our treble-winning 23/24 season. The young midfielder looking to players like Max Balard for inspiration as he steps into Professional Football for the first time.

“Max is someone who I try and play like. A deep play-making midfielder, I want to get the ball and keep it moving. I always watch the first team games, watch the way he moves, take notes off him every game and replicate that in my games.” Eames said.

“When I first got to the Mariners, everyone was so welcoming, they’re all just a big family. This season I am just looking to get more Academy First Grade minutes, then next season work my hardest to get in and around the A-League team.”

The 16-year-old is eager to continue to develop in our Academy while also looking forward to working with the A-League squad, thankful to everyone who has helped him on the journey so far.

“I’m really excited, it’s going to be a great upcoming season and I’m just ready to work and improve under Jacko,” he said.

“There are lots of people who have helped me get this scholarship deal. A big thank you to our Chairman Rich Peil, Matt Simon and Jacko for their support and the faith that they have shown in me to give me this scholarship. Also, a special thank you to my family, who without them I would not be getting this opportunity. I can’t wait to repay them all in Yellow and Navy.”

Central Coast Mariners Sporting Director Matt Simon is pleased to award Haine a scholarship contract alongside Head Coach Mark Jackson, excited to watch the young midfielder develop at the club.

“We are delighted to be able to give Haine this opportunity with a 3-year scholarship deal. He is a player with huge potential and ability, and this follows one of the key principles of who we are as a club, giving talented young footballers a chance to grow with us,” Simon said.

“We feel that he can develop greatly over the coming years and be of great value to us. Everyone at the club looks forward to helping Haine continue the hard work and watching him develop as a footballer.”