NEWS: Hutchinson completes first session as Assistant Coach


The Central Coast Mariners kick-started preparations for the Hyundai A-League 2015/16 campaign today, with the first wave of players returning to training ran by John Hutchinson in his first session as Assistant Coach.

With Tony Walmsley set to return from the U.K. later this week – Hutchinson was responsible for putting the players through their strides in the first session of pre-season. 

‘Hutch’ spent a month undertaking his ‘UEFA A Coaching License’ and returns to the Central Coast with the qualifications and passion to commence his first campaign as Assistant Coach under Walmsley. 

The 35-year-old who arrived this morning for his 11th pre-season with the Central Coast Mariners took his first official session as Assistant Coach with an obvious air of excitement.

“Looking back to season one with the Mariners I was excited to get into pre-season and back into professional football, it was that feeling again today. I was excited,” Hutchinson said. “I’ve been working for the past couple of weeks off the field but to come here today and take the session was very exciting, to see the boys running with me on the sideline brought a smile to my face,” he said. 

During his time in Wales, ‘Hutch’ was able to learn under some of the biggest names in world football. 

“When you are sitting there listening to people like Patrick Vieira, Thierry Henry, Freddie Ljungberg and Sol Campbell talk about their coaches it’s unbelievable,” Hutchinson said. “For me, going to Wales took me out of my comfort zone and it’s a fantastic way to learn,” he said.

‘Hutch’ personified the never-say-die attitude and determination of the Central Coast Mariners and it is clear that he will carry this mentality and mantra into his career as a coach. 

“Under Tony’s guidance we’re going to work hard and get this team back where it belongs and the boys have come back after 5-6 weeks off looking fantastic,” Hutchinson said. 

“As a footballer you always dream of playing the highest level possible and as a coach you want to coach at the highest level.

“A great dream of mine is to coach the team that I’ve played for, for 10 years but I’ve still got a long way to learn and Tony Walmsley is a great mentor to me and I’ve learnt so much off him already,” he said.
