CENTRAL Coast Mariners recently donated a number of kits to the John Moriarty Football Foundation to be used at the JMF Cup held in Borroloola in the Northern Territory, near the Gulf of Carpentaria.
CENTRAL Coast Mariners recently donated a number of kits to the John Moriarty Football Foundation to be used at the JMF Cup held in Borroloola in the Northern Territory, near the Gulf of Carpentaria.
The JMF Cup is a primary school tournament held in association with the Nangala Project. The Nangala Project is a non-profit initiative to relieve poverty and disadvantage amongst Australian Indigenous children and their families.
Prominent Australian football personality Craig Foster and a crew from The World Game were at the event, and discovered how football is helping achieve positive outcomes for Australian Indigenous communities in Australia-s top end.
Watch the video below to learn more about the JMF Cup and the Nangala Project!