FOOTBALL New South Wales (FNSW) has awarded the licences for 2013 Skills Acquisition Program (SAP). The skills acquisition program covers both boys and girls in the age range 9 to 11.
FOOTBALL New South Wales (FNSW) has awarded the licences for 2013 Skills Acquisition Program (SAP). The skills acquisition program covers both boys and girls in the age range 9 to 11.
Central Coast Football and the Central Coast Mariners are pleased to advise that the Central Coast Mariners Academy has been awarded a licence to operate a program.
The Central Coast Mariners Academy SAP licence is one of 30 licences issued by FNSW for SAP for 2013.
Training for players within the program will commence in mid-November 2012 with games commencing in March 2012 through to September 2013. Fees for the 2013 Central Coast SAP will be $1200 with players training up to three times per week and participating in weekend games.
The Central Coast Mariners Academy has previously sought expressions of interest for the program from players and now with confirmation of the Central Coast Mariners Academy acceptance within the program trials will commence from Monday 5 November. All players who have expressed an interest to trial will be provided with the trial timetable by Thursday 1 November.
Any enquires in relation to Central Coast Mariners Academy should be directed to