2021-22 Membership FAQ

We are excited to announce that our 2021/22 Memberships will be available for renewal for current Members from Wednesday 9  June 2021!

You will have an exclusive Early Bird period to renew your Membership until Wednesday 23 June 2021.

It is important to note that current Full-Season Members who have registered for the Auto-Renewal Option will have their membership rolled over automatically on Thursday 10 June for the Early Bird price. 

Non-Ticketed, 3 & 6 Game Members are not eligible for the auto-renewal and will need to renew manually online or by calling Mariners HQ. 

Members will receive an e-mail closer to the on-sale date with information on how to renew their Membership if they don’t choose the Auto-Renew option. 


Q. What will the 2021/22 Membership pricing be?

A. 2020/21 Members will be offered an exclusive Early Bird price if they renew between Wednesday 9 June – Wednesday 23 June 2021. After this date, the price will rise and Memberships will be available for purchase by new Members. 

Please note that pricing is subject to change, and inclusions and final pricing will be published prior to the roll-over date. 



Q. I was a Member in 2019/20, however my seating allocation changed for 2020/21 due to COVID restrictions. What seat will I be allocated for 2021/22?

A. All current reserved seat Members who are renewing for the 2021/22 season will be allocated their 2019/20 (pre-COVID) seating. 

Q. I am happy with my 2020/21 seating – can I request to stay in my new seat? 

A. If you wish to stay in your current seat, please contact our Membership team on memberships@ccmariners.com.au with the names of those in your party, Membership Numbers and best contact information. 

Q. I was a new Reserved Seat Member for 2020/21 – will I be able to keep my same seat for next season?

A. Priority will be given to renewing Members from the 2019/20 season. Should the seats be available, you will be offered to keep the same seats. If they are not, you will be offered seating in a similar area. 

Q. When will I know what seat I have been allocated for the season? 

A. Seating Allocation for the 2021/22 season will take place from the 2nd – 6th August 2021, where priority will be given to those who are renewing 2019/20 Members to access their original seating/preferred seating, followed by 2020/21 new Members to access their seats from the current season, followed by any new 2021/22 Members who have signed up. 

Q. I have a particular seating request – how can I let you know? 

A. If you have a particular seating request please e-mail memberships@ccmariners.com.au with your request and the Membership team will be in touch during the seating allocation period in August. Note – if you are a 2019/20 Member who was re-allocated due to COVID in 2020/21 and you wish to return to your original seats you are not required to submit a request. This will automatically happen – this is only for Members who wish to either keep their 2020/21 seat, or submit a brand new request. 

Q. Will the bays remain the same as the 2020/21 season?

A. The bays will remain the same aside from the following changes:

  • Bay 27 was categorised as Gold for the 2020/21 season – this will revert back to a Navy General Admission Bay for the 2021/22 season. 
  • Bays 48, 49 & 50 will be the only Gold Bays on the Eastern Side, located on the upper tier. 


Q. How do I know if I have Opted-In for the Automatic Roll-over? 

A. Click here to visit the Membership Portal, and select ‘My Account’. Log in with your details and see the ‘Renewal Options’ in your account. If the check box is ticked, your

Membership will roll-over automatically on Thursday 10 June 2021. 

Q. I want to Opt-Out – how can I do this?

A. If you wish to Opt-out, simply click the check box to remove the tick and save. You can also contact our Membership team on 02 4353 7200. Please note that you have until 11:59pm on Sunday 6 June 2021 to confirm your roll-over preference. 

Q. I want to remain Opted-in, how can i make sure my payment details are correct?

A. You can update your payment details at anytime through the Membership Portal, and selecting My Account and choosing the Payment Details tab. Here you can provide up to date Payment Details – please remember to select Save. 

Q. I was on a Part-Payment plan last year – will I remain on a Part-Payment plan this season if I choose to roll-over automatically? 

A. Yes – Members who were on a Part Payment plan in 2020/21 and choose the auto roll-over option will remain on a Part Payment plan, with their monthly fee being debited from their card on the 10th of each month. Please note that a fee of $10 will be incurred for any monthly payments that do not process due to incorrect payment details or expired cards. 

For Members who paid in full up front last season and wish to auto roll-over their Membership will be debited the full amount from their card on 10 June 2021. 

If a Member wishes to change their preference (move from part payment to full, or vice versa) they are required to contact the Membership team on 02 4353 7200 or email memberships@ccmariners.com.au no later than midday on Friday 4 June 2021. 


Q. Some of my personal information has changed (e.g. address, phone number etc) – how can I update this? 

Have a question that hasn’t been answered above? Please contact us on 02 4353 7200 or email memberships@ccmariners.com.au